sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2009

F?M? What?

Exactly! It was easy to predict that only reading the name you would never understand the theme but you will see that I'm actually positively right about this...

The problem is that there are names available to both girls and boys! And that's not good! It can't be...

Picture this: A boy stares in front of a girl, wishing to meet her. Finally he decides to go and make small talk.
- Hello! My name is Dan (random name) and I'm 16. How are you? - he asks.
-Hi! I'm just fine thank you. It's nice to meet you. By the way my name is Jordan.
*Boy thinking* "Oh my sweet jesus! I thought she was actually a girl but with that name she must be a travesti or something..."
-hmmmmmmmm, ahhhhh, rightttttttt you know I must go now. I have to do the laundry.
*walks away*

Do you really want to name your children Jordan after this?!

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