Thursday, 25 th June 2009 - Mr. Michael Jackson dies victim of a cardiac arrest.
The author of Thriller, the album that sold the best, and the first afro-american in MTV dissapeared forever after some surgeries and some problems with the police.
I'm deeply sad (particulary because I was a fan and an admirer of his work as a dancer) and hugely admired because after all he was just 50 years old and thought the face was not the best he had anounced 50 concerts in London. The final ones.
I will always remember MJ and I'm not the only one.
*griefing and blogging*
sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2009
terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009
Seventh Heaven
Today I was not really in the seventh heaven but there was something that made me think I was: Seventh Heaven.
It's the best heaven ever actually. You can forget about all those films and songs about heaven's and specially the best ones (the ones in the 7th degree, right?). Those are just to idiot!
The best Seventh Heaven was made to make me happy and by L'Arc~en~Ciel.
The videoclip stars the band and a bunch of colourful dancers. Hyde changed his hair once again and the black dreads were invented for him!
And he really tries to dance even thought the result is just funny and not really professional.
Tetsu is happy, Yuki is Yuki and Ken seems bored which makes the video even better.
And just because I don't know the lyrics, it doens't mean I won't feel happier listening to this song!
So how the fuck do you hate this song? How? How? How??
Remember that the answer is in the minute thirty one! xd
ID please?
Tuesday morning was a nightmare. I went downtown for my identity card.
I knew already that without physical and mental preparation it was impossible for me to survive there.
People everywhere, eating, smelling, screaming, pushing other innocent people...
And the ones responsible for the work weren't really working! They were out for coffee, cigarretes, maybe a cake...
And I was there... writing for not being killed by the time, hungry (NO BANANAS) and B.O.R.E.D!
But I'm still alive and in motion because it takes more than this to bring me down! xd
(a lot more indeed)
segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2009
Some of the best conversations are about the stupidest things ever but it doesn't mean are less important..
Yesterday I had a convo about antz. Antz are those animals that eat sweet things and are pretty much a disaster wherever they go.
So my convo was about a gr8 experience including antz and a tent. Antz+tent= disaster and bad night of sleep.
Anyways, I have a farm where we have cherries and guess what? My father came along with a box full of cherries, full of antz! Yupi ....or not!
And now my varanda is occupied with antz running everywhere some kms far away from their sweet home in the mountains. xD
What else can I say?
sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2009
F?M? What?
Exactly! It was easy to predict that only reading the name you would never understand the theme but you will see that I'm actually positively right about this...
The problem is that there are names available to both girls and boys! And that's not good! It can't be...
Picture this: A boy stares in front of a girl, wishing to meet her. Finally he decides to go and make small talk.
- Hello! My name is Dan (random name) and I'm 16. How are you? - he asks.
-Hi! I'm just fine thank you. It's nice to meet you. By the way my name is Jordan.
*Boy thinking* "Oh my sweet jesus! I thought she was actually a girl but with that name she must be a travesti or something..."
-hmmmmmmmm, ahhhhh, rightttttttt you know I must go now. I have to do the laundry.
*walks away*
Do you really want to name your children Jordan after this?!
The problem is that there are names available to both girls and boys! And that's not good! It can't be...
Picture this: A boy stares in front of a girl, wishing to meet her. Finally he decides to go and make small talk.
- Hello! My name is Dan (random name) and I'm 16. How are you? - he asks.
-Hi! I'm just fine thank you. It's nice to meet you. By the way my name is Jordan.
*Boy thinking* "Oh my sweet jesus! I thought she was actually a girl but with that name she must be a travesti or something..."
-hmmmmmmmm, ahhhhh, rightttttttt you know I must go now. I have to do the laundry.
*walks away*
Do you really want to name your children Jordan after this?!
quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2009
Awesomeness drifting along...
There are some pretty strange things happening. First were the OVNIS and then some years later the Beatles came to make us drool all over them and their horrible hairstyle (I still think those were wigs but there's no evidences supporting my opinion).
But well...we could predict this things to happen. What we can't predict and happens only a few times in a lifetime is the presence of someone so gr8, so awesome that all the rest seems light swalled by a supermassive black hole a dozen times. Seriously! Look at me for example...(I forgot you can't! But imagine me...) Where can you find someone that even when it's raining, even when has a wax session, even when is feeling sick can make everyone happy? You can't find it because I was born in a blessed day (and I was the one who made it blessed).
I even have a friend that is writing a book and made me a character. Galathea it's her name based on me!
But hey...I'm not the only one. Somewhere over the rainbows are at least three girls that are gr8 and filled with awesomeness.
Amira, the girl that has a considerable age, is one of those. She can't make you smile like me... actually she will make wish to be hidden somewhere. She argues, she explains, she shows, she plays and by the end you feel like you have learned something.
That's awesome and you can't copy it nor buy it.
Lotta is the cute one. She is cute because she is cute and I'm pretty sure she can't find a a better reason for her "cuteness". She is the one who stays behind when a joke is told but catch us up later with the same randomness...she is the one who sends "byebye's" a dozen times but that doesn't want us to leave...Greatness at a level impossible to reach for a common mortal.
My friend Boli is the only one that send us a sms almost at midnight just to thank us for our participation in her life. That buys us our lunch just because she wants to and offers presents to her family with a creditcard because thinks they are needing a present.
Touchable awesomeness gets us an instant reaction and in that second...we smile without knowing why. And If you felt that already, then my are the luckiest bastard in the world!
Caroli..dudette-chan, mukimpo lover, October child and awesome person.
But well...we could predict this things to happen. What we can't predict and happens only a few times in a lifetime is the presence of someone so gr8, so awesome that all the rest seems light swalled by a supermassive black hole a dozen times. Seriously! Look at me for example...(I forgot you can't! But imagine me...) Where can you find someone that even when it's raining, even when has a wax session, even when is feeling sick can make everyone happy? You can't find it because I was born in a blessed day (and I was the one who made it blessed).
I even have a friend that is writing a book and made me a character. Galathea it's her name based on me!
But hey...I'm not the only one. Somewhere over the rainbows are at least three girls that are gr8 and filled with awesomeness.
Amira, the girl that has a considerable age, is one of those. She can't make you smile like me... actually she will make wish to be hidden somewhere. She argues, she explains, she shows, she plays and by the end you feel like you have learned something.
That's awesome and you can't copy it nor buy it.
Lotta is the cute one. She is cute because she is cute and I'm pretty sure she can't find a a better reason for her "cuteness". She is the one who stays behind when a joke is told but catch us up later with the same randomness...she is the one who sends "byebye's" a dozen times but that doesn't want us to leave...Greatness at a level impossible to reach for a common mortal.
My friend Boli is the only one that send us a sms almost at midnight just to thank us for our participation in her life. That buys us our lunch just because she wants to and offers presents to her family with a creditcard because thinks they are needing a present.
Touchable awesomeness gets us an instant reaction and in that second...we smile without knowing why. And If you felt that already, then my are the luckiest bastard in the world!
Caroli..dudette-chan, mukimpo lover, October child and awesome person.
segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2009
My silkworms.
quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2009
Gr8 (or not..)
Everyone is gr8 but I'm greater than you. In a class there will be always the cool ones, the freaks and the others. The others are so bad that is almost stupid. The freaks are just, you know, a bunch of kids with serious issues concerning skeletons.
The cool ones are a small universe where just a few people can get in. If you have that "previlege" then you must be really good.
I usually don't even care about this things but today something happened and made me think. I am part of that small group! I don't do the same things, I DON'T hear the same things (it was impossible now that I'm thinking about that), I won't go to parties of people I don't know and most definitly I'm actually a good student...
But I have something quite appreciated this days...I'm always, constantly and almost ridiculously happy! And I make others happy with my hapiness!
So now you know, If you want tickets to something tell me! I'm sure I know somebody that knows somebody that will eventually give one to you, after all...I'm gr8!
quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2009
One to go.
So this is it. The end of the ridiculously big 10 th grade. In fact I'm almost at the end...The
ultimate evaluations, grades, exams, hours in home studying in my pijamas...
Right now, I'm thinking about working for another purpose...TAN!
That's my favourite work, the best one, the easiest one and also the fastest! I just need a few hours in the beach and I get an instant tan which is not an excuse to miss this fabulous days doing nothing! So right now, is one to go. Geometry is still waiting and begging for my attention but it joking? xd
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