sábado, 23 de maio de 2009

No Tetsu in my blog, sister!

Remember my contribution? Well, now I have a special request... But I won't do it.
Several reasons can be pointed out...
1st. Hyde sana is cute, Tetsu sana is not.
2nd Hyde sana has some style, Tetsu sana has some platforms.
3rd Hyde sana has a voice, Tetsu sana plays bassssss.
Is there a comparation? (I thought so...)

3 comentários:

  1. Aaaah see you got it all wrong!
    1st Hyde sama is hot as hell and cute too, Tetsu sama is a little less hot but cute as well.
    2nd... well, that's sorta right! xD
    3rd Hyde may have a gr8 voice, but what's wrong with playing bass?

  2. My drooling over Hyde sana's voice is nothing compared to my admiration over Tetsu sana's ability to the bass...xd

  3. Aaaah but that's simply because you never tried playing bass! Try it, then you'll see what I mean!
