quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009
This doesn't take really skillz but gave me plenty of work and my fingers hurt nonetheless...

Go Amira Go!
This is what I do best (other than scream with people that actually deserve it): to cheer up. I was told that a person I won't say the name (Amira) was invited to do something (gig) in a secret place (bar). Even though she was flatered she thinks it is a big responsability and she will eventually screw that up.
BUT SHE WON'T! And you know why? Because when she is bored she plays, records and uploads her own skills and takes the risk that I will say: D.I.S.G.U.T.I.N.G!
And how can she know that that will turn horribly wrong? If the drunk people in the bar don't like it, what's the problem? We like it! She likes it. Her brother liked it or he wouldn't invite her. (and he can kick the guys that mess with her which is a plus).
And with that new band of hers, she will have to play with an audience (unless it's a huge fail which I don't believe).
quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2009
Michael Jackson
"Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye. But the dance lives on. On many an occasion when I am dancing, I have felt touched by something sacred. In those moments, I felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists.
I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing...then it is the eternal dance of creation. The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy. I keep on dancing...and dancing...and dancing. Until there is only... the dance."
Michael Jackson
segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2009
Live in Paris
So yeah! As you might know my trip to Paris went with the flu. Though and once I'm quite persistent look what I just bought...

I haven't watched it yet but I will for sure! Today! And why the fuck isn't Yuki in the CDs too?
sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2009
4 weddings and a funeral.
The other day I was watching this film when this marvelous poem came along...
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
Funeral Blues
de W.H. Auden
de W.H. Auden
segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2009
Time is luck!
Like anybody else I have things I trully like and others that I hate but for some reason the things I do like are the most ridiculous, strange and useless things ever!
Let us see...
I love my friends and to talk in english, I love purple and white nail polish, purple things in general, my lovely family, to eat and to sleep more than recomendable, laptop and cell phone, beach, rain, clouds, scream, tanned skin specially mine, my pink trousers, E.R, Jamiroquai, Internet, bread with nothing on it, to talk, sunglasses, eggplants, fruit, walk around naked, bikinis, to wax, my varanda, the sea, my best friend, my 2 partners in stupid things, MJ, Hyde, the sound of a good sax, the orange thingy on MSN, iTunes...
And I could be here forever but I won't...because the thing is that I like my time. And time is luck! I will make good use of mine...
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